Foundational Concepts-新濠天地app
Image of Foundational Concepts

50th Anniversary Documentary

The philosophical basis on which 新濠天地app大学 rests, referred to as the Foundational Concepts of Christian Education, 是由新濠天地app新濠天地app校董会和校董会的联合委员会拟备,并由校董会在10月26日的会议上通过, 1967.

Foundational Concepts of Christian Education



Starting with the belief that God is the source of all truth, 在圣灵的引导下,教育变成了一种令人兴奋的冒险,在各个方面寻求合适的知识.

Education that is Christian takes for its perspective the biblical view of God, mankind and the universe in their mutual relations.

While education in a Christian context does not guarantee truth, 它确实试图建立一个起点,离开这个起点就永远无法了解最终的真理. 它变得至关重要, 因此, to establish the direction for education from this Christian perspective, 为了澄清与新濠天地app新濠天地app有关的这一点,特起草以下声明. In no sense should it be considered as the last word, 但它自称是上帝治下的学术得以蓬勃发展的基本概念.

这种教育观建立在圣经中包含的历史悠久的基督教信仰之上, symbolized by the open Bible on the seal of the College. 坚持十七世纪中叶威斯敏斯特信条中对这种信仰的总结, 150多年来,北美改革宗长老会一直致力于通过新濠天地app新濠天地app提供一种教育,阐明耶稣基督对他所有创造的主权的含义.

" For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light shall we see light.诗篇36:9

The Theological Basis for Christian Education

The Christian View of God.
God is one being, existing in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 他是一个有个性的存在,在他自己身上拥有所有人格的意义,但没有限制. 他是自我存在的创造者、保存者和宇宙整体的控制者.

The Christian View of Mankind.
Men and women are unique among all living creatures, being distinguished from the animals by being created in the image of God as rational, moral and spiritual beings. The purpose of human life is to glorify and to enjoy God, and only when life is so viewed can the highest happiness, welfare and honor be experienced. We are created as immortal beings. 因此,现世生活是为死后的生活做准备,不应将其本身视为目的, though as God's creation the present earthly life has a real value of its own.

新濠天地app与亚当的关系来看,作为人类的代表,新濠天地app是堕落的生物. By moral revolt against God, 新濠天地app失去了与神相交的位置,也失去了自觉反映神荣耀的能力, and instead became devoted to the worship and aggrandizement of self. Our fall into sin affected not only our moral nature but also our intellect, making us prone to error, and requiring divine revelation to determine ultimate standards and values in all fields. 罪对道德和智力的影响是如此之大,以至于新濠天地app无法靠自己的努力来消除它们.

耶稣基督, 作为第二个亚当, died and rose again as our representative, in order that we who are chosen of God, regenerated by the Spirit, 借着信心,在基督的死和复活中与他认同,新濠天地app就可以在圣灵里恢复与神的交通,并能在新濠天地app的生活中积极地荣耀神. As believing Christians, 认识到新濠天地app与基督联合,也因此认识到新濠天地app自己向罪死,在圣灵里复活得新生命, 新濠天地app放弃以自我为中心的生活方式,在新濠天地app经历的每一个阶段寻求理解和反映神的荣耀.

The Christian View of the Universe.
宇宙, as the creation of God, serves to reveal God; and its revelation is true, 有效的, 本身也很有用. 被创造的宇宙, being full of God's glory, 是被理解的, 欣赏, 被新濠天地app统治和利用. 上帝在他的仁慈中赋予新濠天地app发现和使用宇宙真理的能力, which may be learned irrespective of a person's spiritual relationship with Him. In seeking to understand the truth of the universe in all of its dimensions, we are responsible to use every faculty and effort, 但是,只有把宇宙的事实与上帝联系起来,才能全面地理解宇宙的事实. Ultimate judgments must finally be made in the light of God's Word, 圣经, which is the only adequate and inerrant standard of truth.

The Purpose of Christian Education

Inasmuch as we were created to glorify God, 基督教教育旨在培养学生认识上帝的能力,并通过学习上帝的话语和作品,将自己和创造的宇宙与上帝联系起来. 基督教教育强调主耶稣基督的位格和工作,以便学生可以屈服于他作为他们脱离罪的救主, and that they may see in Christ the ultimate purpose and meaning of the whole universe.

基督教教育的目的是通过发展上帝赋予的能力,寻求实现个人作为上帝形象的潜力. 只要学生在他们的职业和日常生活中把这些能力奉献给上帝的荣耀,就能实现这些潜力. 基督教教育努力发展每个学生的能力,以享受世界作为上帝的创造, in all its cultural richness, 认识到所有的生命作为一个连贯的整体都与上帝和他的救赎活动有关. The goal of Christian education is the development of mature students who, 作为个人, have well-integrated personalities; and who, as well-oriented members of society, are building the kingdom of God in the family, 教会, the nation and the world.

The Implications of Christian Education

Implications for the School.
所有以任何方式负责教育机构运作的人都有责任追求教育机构的目标. In Christian education this becomes particularly significant since no task, 教学或其他, is unrelated to God; and also because all personnel should demonstrate in their lives an end-purpose of Christian education. Everyone shares in the transmission of knowledge, 但只有那些有意识地委身于圣经所启示的耶稣基督的人才能预见并达到基督教教育的目标. 为了实现基督教教育的目标,所有教师都应该在一致的圣经世界观和人生观中,寻求更全面地理解和更有效地教授他们的特定学科.

Implications for the Student.
While students may attain a high degree of knowledge through the grace given to all, in order for them to attain the goals of Christian education, they must be in submission to the person of 耶稣基督, that sin and its effects in their own personalities may be overcome. 学生, 作为上帝的造物, 是在神的命令下学习和应用所有的知识来认识和荣耀神吗. They should not be sheltered from non-Christian viewpoints, but must become able to evaluate all knowledge critically, to gain from that which is true and to discard error. 学生应该意识到上帝对他们生命的呼召,因此把他们的教育看作是为他们一生的工作做准备的机会, whatever those fields of endeavor may be.

Implication for the Curriculum.
在基督教教育中,课程是建立在历史悠久的基督教信仰是永恒真理的基础上的, and that it is the integrating factor of a truly Christian education program. Since Christian education leads toward an understanding of God, mankind and the universe in their inter-relatedness, the curriculum will have a strong emphasis on both the humanities and the sciences, theoretic and applied, as well as a basic core of biblical studies. 课程应该引导学生掌握学习的基础,使他们能活出荣耀神的生命, confronting honestly and confidently the problems and challenges of new knowledge, and contributing to the welfare of society under God.

Implications for Moral Discipline.
Standards of moral discipline must be maintained according to the moral law of God, which He has set forth in Scripture. Therefore, discipline is to be exercised on the basis of God's Word. Discipline exercised in Christian love and firmness not only deters licentiousness, 但原则上也教导新濠天地app如何在基督的主权下生活,以及如何在公义的基础上与他人生活. 在罪的教义和在耶稣基督里的解决方案的背景下,道德惩戒必须始终以帮助违法者的态度来实施.